Lifebelt Post by Sydney Clouts

Horizon approaching, wave by wave in the million crumples before the placid gull reflects. A steep stone scaled abruptly by the salt, remains. But that old timber with its hook […]

Earth, Sky by Sydney Clouts

I walked with a flower stuck red in my coat, it flamed for an hour and then it went out. The hilltop above me shimmered like stars, the houses passed […]


Prescriptions by Sydney Clouts

For the unreflective, pepperpots to sneeze out ignorance or to at least exhaust it; for the ethical, tobaccosmoke; for fools, shipsirens returning to the sun some of its intensity. Pampoen […]


Within by Sydney Clouts

You look long about you intent on the world on a midsummer day; the sea flames hard it is rumpled like tin, the sun is burning dimension away. If you […]


Intimate Lightning by Sydney Clouts

Too succulent for quinces comes this fresh quo vadis, Africa the bud the blossom the scent the intimate lightning. Tusks traded for cash lie somewhere staling under hessian, to be […]


Karroo Stop by Sydney Clouts

A whole trainful of coal like a soul burnt black in a hole or tunnel, passed us slowly. We were halted in our carriage. The roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, […]